Faced with United States President Donald Trump’s mass deportation plan, Pope Francis has published a letter chastising the policy and calling faithful and politicians alike to care for the poor and...
Pope Francis sent a message to a United Nations gathering on Indigenous Peoples, stressing the need to preserve their cultural identity and protect the natural resources at the heart of their way of...
Pope Francis’s point-man on migration and development has urged the Trump administration to remember Christian principles about caring for others, saying people are being “terrorized” by the U.S...
Las religiosas estuvieron este miércoles en la audiencia general, al día siguiente de la inscripción de la santa en el Calendario General Romano. La Superiora General, sor Joseph: “el verdadero...
Los combates en la sangrienta guerra civil de Sudán se saldan con la muerte de un voluntario de la Media Luna Roja Sudanesa en Omdurman. Esta víctima se suma a las 32 víctimas que murieron el año...
Adoración perpetua, perpetual adoration, 24 horas adoración, 24 hours adoration, Santísimo Sacramento, Blessed Sacrament, Santa Misa, Holy Mass, Hora Santa, Holy Hour, Santa Rita, Saint Rita, abogada de los imposibles, Advocate of the impossible, necesidad urgente, urgent need, solicitar oraciones, request prayers, problema grave, grievous problem, aborto, pro life, abortion, pro Vida,, confesión, confessions,